SCR: Resolution on appointment the temporary Director
On December 29, 2016, Sai Gon Thuong Tin Real Estate Joint Stock Company issued Decision No.95/2016/QĐ-HĐQT about appointing the temporary Director of Financial Department as follows:
Board approved to appoint Mr. Nguyen Van Trien as the temporary Director of Financial Department as from January 01, 2017 to June 30, 2017.
> STG: A member of Supervisory Board resigned (03/01/2017)
> MBKE: Notice of reassigning to the personnel (03/01/2017)
> MBS: Notice on the resignation of Deputy CEO (04/01/2017)
> Vietinbanksc.: Notice of the resignation of Deputy Director (04/01/2017)
> BCI: Notice of the resignation of CFO (04/01/2017)
> TNT: Board Resolution on change of CEO & Legal Representative (04/01/2017)
> SVI: Notice of Change of personnel (05/01/2017)
> S4A: Resolution on the resignation of member of the BOD (05/01/2017)
> VRC: A member of BODs resigned (05/01/2017)
> HRC: Notice of the resignation of Deputy CEO (06/01/2017)