TNT: Board Resolution on change of CEO & Legal Representative
Tai Nguyen Corporation announced Resolution No.01 dated January 03, 2017 as follows:
Articles 1: Board of Directors approved to appoint Mr. Nguyen Gia Long – Chairman of BoD as CEO cum Legal Representative as from January 03, 2017. Mr. Nguyen Gia Long will replace Mr. Vu Tuan Hoang as from January 03, 2017.
Articles 2: This Board Resolution will be effective from January 03, 2017.
> SVI: Notice of Change of personnel (05/01/2017)
> S4A: Resolution on the resignation of member of the BOD (05/01/2017)
> VRC: A member of BODs resigned (05/01/2017)
> HRC: Notice of the resignation of Deputy CEO (06/01/2017)
> FCN: Notice of the appointment of CFO (06/01/2017)
> DRH: Deputy CEO resignation (06/01/2017)
> DHG: Notice of change of personnel (09/01/2017)
> HDG: Notice of change of personnel (09/01/2017)
> SCR: Notice of change of personnel (09/01/2017)
> DAT: Notice of the appointment of Deputy CEO (10/01/2017)