S4A: Resolution on the resignation of member of the BOD
On December 30, 2016 The Board of Directors of Sesan 4A HydroElectric Joint Stock Company approved the resignation of Ms. Ngo Thi Thu Hoa as Member of The BOD from January 01, 2017.
> VRC: A member of BODs resigned (05/01/2017)
> HRC: Notice of the resignation of Deputy CEO (06/01/2017)
> FCN: Notice of the appointment of CFO (06/01/2017)
> DRH: Deputy CEO resignation (06/01/2017)
> DHG: Notice of change of personnel (09/01/2017)
> HDG: Notice of change of personnel (09/01/2017)
> SCR: Notice of change of personnel (09/01/2017)
> DAT: Notice of the appointment of Deputy CEO (10/01/2017)
> SFG: Notice of change of personnel (10/01/2017)
> VSH: Resolution on the change of personnel (10/01/2017)