HTL: Notice of Change personnel
On December 26, 2016, Truong Long Engineering and Auto Joint Stock Company announced of change personnel as follows:
The Supervisory Board approved the resignation of Mr. Ho Thanh An as member of the Supervisory Board as from December 26, 2016
> VRC: VRC announces members of Boards of Directors and Supervisors (29/12/2016)
> GTN: Notice of Change personnel (30/12/2016)
> BMP: Resolution on the appointment of Deputy CEO (30/12/2016)
> SHP: A member of BoD resigned (30/12/2016)
> SSC: Notice of change of personnel (30/12/2016)
> FPT: Resolution on the resignation of Deputy CEO (03/01/2017)
> SCR: Resolution on appointment the temporary Director (03/01/2017)
> STG: A member of Supervisory Board resigned (03/01/2017)
> MBKE: Notice of reassigning to the personnel (03/01/2017)
> MBS: Notice on the resignation of Deputy CEO (04/01/2017)