TMS: Resolution on adjusting the method of dividend payment
Transimex-Saigon Corporation announced Board Resolution No.34 dated November 26, 2015 as follows:
Article 1: To adjust Article 3 of Board Resolution No.33 dated November 09, 2015:
- To remain the method of cash dividend payment for 2014 (9%) according to the resolution of 2014-2015 annual general meeting.
Article 2: The record date for dividend payment for 2014: December 22, 2015
Article 3: This resolution shall take effect from the date of singing.
> THG: Resolution on the dividend payment (09/12/2015)
> THG: The record date for consulting shareholders and dividend payment (09/12/2015)
> HTL: Resolution on the dividend payment (09/12/2015)
> BMC: Resolution on the dividend payment (09/12/2015)
> SBT: Resolution on the dividend payment for 2014 - 2015 (09/12/2015)
> LM8: The record date for dividend payment 2015 (09/12/2015)
> VIP: Resolution on the dividend payment (10/12/2015)
> BHS: Resolution on the dividend payment for 2014 - 2015 (10/12/2015)
> PHR: PHR changes the record date for the first phase of 2015 dividend payment (10/12/2015)
> SBT: The record date for dividend payment (11/12/2015)