TIP: Notice of record date for dividend payment
Tin Nghia Industrial Park Development Joint Stock Companyannounced the record date for 2016 1st dividend payment as follows:
- Record date: December 22, 2016
- Exercise ratio: 10%/par value (1,000dongs/share)
- Payment date: January 05, 2017
> SMC: Resolution on the second dividend payment for 2016 (12/12/2016)
> ITD: Resolution on the first dividend payment for 2016 (12/12/2016)
> GAS: Resolution on the first dividend payment for 2016 (12/12/2016)
> NT2: The record date for the 2nd cash dividend payment 2016 (12/12/2016)
> TIP: The record date for the first cash dividend payment 2016 (12/12/2016)
> GAS: The record date for cash dividend payment 2016 (13/12/2016)
> TCH: Result of share issue for 2015 dividend payment (14/12/2016)
> HDC: Result of shares issue for 2015 dividend payment (14/12/2016)
> SAB: Resolution on the first dividend payment for 2016 (14/12/2016)
> HCM: Resolution on the first dividend payment for 2016 (14/12/2016)