DPR: Board Resolution Dong Phu Rubber Joint Stock Company (DORUCO) announced the resolution of the Board of Directors dated February 02, 2016:
I. The Board of Directors approved the business result in 2015:
+ Total revenue: VND759.294 billion
+ Profit before tax: VND180.55 billion = 116.48% of the 2015 plan
+ Production exploitation: 15,479 tons = 106.8% of the 2015 plan
+ Purchase: 3,779 tons
+ Consume: 18,623 tons
+ Average price: VND31.1 million/ton
+ Dividend: 25% / par value
+ Bonus and welfare fund: 25% of profit after tax
II. The Board of Directors approved the business plan for 2016:
+ Liquidation and re-cultivation: 460 hectares
+ Production exploitation: 13,900 tons
+ Purchase: 4,000 tons
+ Consume: 17-18,000 tons
+ Average price: VND26 million/ton
+ Profit before tax: VND70-90 billion
+ Dividend: 20% / par value
+ Bonus and welfare fund: 25% of profit after tax HOSE