ASM: Resolution on the change of personnel
On December 27, 2016, Board of Directors of Sao Mai Group Corporation approved to appoint Mr. Le Van Thanh as Deputy CEO as from January 01, 2017.
> VRC: VRC announces members of Boards of Directors and Supervisors (29/12/2016)
> NCT: Resolution on the resignation of Deputy CEO (29/12/2016)
> DPR: Notice of the appointment of CEO (29/12/2016)
> HTL: Notice of Change personnel (29/12/2016)
> GTN: Notice of Change personnel (30/12/2016)
> BMP: Resolution on the appointment of Deputy CEO (30/12/2016)
> SHP: A member of BoD resigned (30/12/2016)
> SSC: Notice of change of personnel (30/12/2016)
> FPT: Resolution on the resignation of Deputy CEO (03/01/2017)