SJ1: Official Admission of additional listing of SJ1
> HNX: Official Admission of listing of VSM (01/10/2015)
> CII: Decision on the change of listing (01/10/2015)
> INDECO., JSC : HOSE receives the listing registration documents (30/09/2015)
> NAF: NAFOODS GROUP: Decision on initial listing (30/09/2015)
> HNX: First trading day of new stock on UPCoM (29/09/2015)
> HNX: HNX Notice: Vietnam Ocean Shipping Agency Corporation applies for listing (29/09/2015)
> BII: HNX officially admitted the additional listing of BII (29/09/2015)
> E1VFVN30: Announcement of the change of listing (29/09/2015)
> MBB: Decision on the change of listing (29/09/2015)
> CMS: HNX officially admitted the additional listing of CMS (29/09/2015)