IME: Notice of record date for a ballot
1. Issuer: Mechanical and Industrial Construction Joint Stock Company2. Stock code: IME3. Stock type: Common stock
> HNX: Upcom Admission of Dic Tourist and Trade Joint Stock Company (09/09/2015)
> IDJ: Explanation for the loss in 2013, 2014 and the solution (09/09/2015)
> CMS: Board resolution (09/09/2015)
> FLC: FLC establishes a subsidiary (08/09/2015)
> NTW: Notice of record date for a ballot (08/09/2015)
> VIT: Change in number of outstanding shares with voting rights (08/09/2015)
> V21: Explanation for the audit's exception (08/09/2015)
> SNC: Sign auditing contract 2015 (08/09/2015)
> HHS: Report on results of trading of shares by a related person (08/09/2015)