HTL: Report on results of trading of shares by a related person 1) Name of individual: Ms. Phan Thanh Tu
2) Name of key personnel/person authorized to disclose information of the organization listed/ registered for trading, fund management company/public investment fund (in case the person conducting trading is a related person): Ms. Phan Thi Thanh Thuy
- Current position in the organization listed/ registered for trading, fund management company/ public investment fund: Head of the Supervisory Board
- Relationship of individual/organization conducting trading with key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: sister
- Quantity and ratio of shares/fund certificates currently owned by key personnel/person authorized to disclose information: 3,998 shares
3) Proposed quantity and ratio of shares owned before conducting trading: 160,433 shares (0.0008%)
4) Quantity of shares registered for sale: 160,433 shares
5) Quantity of shares already traded (sale): 880 shares
6) Quantity of shares already traded (purchase): 1,000 shares
7) Quantity and ratio of shares owned after conducting trading: 160,553 shares
8) Method of trading: order matching
9) Period for conducting trading: from July 06, 2015 to August 04, 2015