Thursday, 24/09/2015 16:45

CDO: Report on Results of trading of shares by an internal shareholder

Report on Results of trading of shares by an internal shareholder of Consultancy Design and Urban Development JSC as follows:


1)     Name of individual: Mr. Nguyen Thai Binh

-          Current position (if available) in the organization listed/registered for trading, fund management company/public investment fund: a member of the BOD

2)     Trading securities code: CDO

3)     Quantity and ratio of shares owned before conducting trading: 0 share

4)     Quantity of shares already traded (purchase): 2,000 shares

5)     Quantity of shares already traded (sale): 2,000 shares

6)     Quantity and ratio of shares owned after conducting trading: 0 share

7)     Method of trading: order matching

8)     Period for conducting trading: from September 04, 2015 to September 09, 2015



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