ASM: Resolution on the distribution of unsold shares Sao Mai Group Corporation announced the Board resolution dated September 21, 2015 as follows:
Article 1: Approving the result of share offering:
Quantity of shares registered to issue to the existing shareholders: 107,287,740 shares
In which:
- Quantity of shares which the existing shareholders implemented purchase rights: 26,078,032 shares
- Quantity of shares which the existing shareholders did not implement purchase rights: 81,209,708 shares
Article 2: Approving the distribution of unsold shares:
The unsold shares will be offered to other investors.
- Selling price: VND10,000/share
- Payment time: the end of 04:00 pm, October 10, 2015
- Bank for blocking depository money
+ Account holder: Sao Mai Group Corporation
+ Account number: 69 281 157
+ Bank: VPBank – An Giang Branch HOSE