BVSC: Change of address and name of trading office
Baoviet Securities Joint Stock Company disclosed the change of address and name of trading office as follows:
- Name and address of old trading office:
Trading office name: My Dinh Trading office
Address of office name: 8 Nguyen Co Trach Street, Tu Liem District, Ha Noi City.
- Name and address of New trading office:
Trading office name: Kim Ma Trading office
Address of office name: Floor 2, VIT Building, 519 Kim Ma Street, Ba Dinh District, Ha Noi City.
> SAM: Announcement of changes in business lice (24/09/2015)
> PAN: Notice of new company seal (24/09/2015)
> LGC: Foreign room at LGC decreased to 19.62% (24/09/2015)
> CMT: CMT transfers stake at a subsidiary (24/09/2015)
> SVT: Notification insider trade (24/09/2015)
> SSI: Notification insider trade (24/09/2015)
> MHC: Report Insider Trade (24/09/2015)
> LBM: Notification insider trade (24/09/2015)
> ITD: Report Insider Trade (24/09/2015)
> C47: Notification insider trade (24/09/2015)