Thursday, 27/08/2015 15:31

LBE: Notice of transaction of connected institution (The State Capital Investment Corporation)

- Name of issuer: Long An Book and Educational Equipment JSC
- Stock code: LBE
- Securities type: Common stock
- Name of person connected with a person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director: The State Capital Investment Corporation
- Name of PDMR/Director in the listed company: Mr. Nguyen Van Ngoi
- Position in the listed company: Director cum Manager
- Relation between connected person and PDMR/Director: Representative
- Number of shares held by connected person/institution before transaction: 252,000 shares
- Number of shares to be disposed: 252,000 shares
- Nature of transaction: off-system trading
- Purpose of transaction: restructure portfolio
- Expected Start date of transaction: 28/08/2015
- Expected End date of transaction: 25/09/2015


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