HPG: Report on the result of withdrawal of ESOP shares
Hoa Phat Group Joint Stock Company has declared the withdrawal of shares from the resigned employees as follows:
- Quantity of shares withdrawn: 15,750 shares
- Time of implementation: from August 11, 2015 to August 17,2 015
- Quantity of treasury shares before change: 18,100 shares
- Quantity of treasury shares after change: 33,850 shares
> NT2: Result of share issue for capital increase (26/08/2015)
> FCN: Fecon to issue convertible bonds (26/08/2015)
> RDP: Result of share issue for dividend payment (26/08/2015)
> Reviewed Capital Adequacy Ratio Report (26/08/2015)
> L18: Transfer the contributed capital of the Company at the subsidiary company (26/08/2015)