ASA: Change in the BOD and Legal representative
WMT SANA Joint Venture Joint Stock Company announces the change in the BOD and Legal representative as follows:
> NPS: Change in personnel (19/06/2015)
> HBS: Management Change (19/06/2015)
> SPH: Change in personnel (19/06/2015)
> DVP: Change of a member of the BOD (19/06/2015)
> DTL: Resignation of Right Chief Accountant (19/06/2015)
> RDP: Appointment of Head of Financial & Accouting Derparment (19/06/2015)
> QCG: Resignation of a member of the Supervisory Board (19/06/2015)
> TVC: Change in personnel (19/06/2015)
> SCC: Change in personnel (19/06/2015)