Ba Ria – Vung Tau House Development Joint Stock Company announced that it would issue additional shares to pay 2013 dividend and to increase its charter capital as follows:
Stock code: HDC
Stock type: common stock
Par value: VND10,000/share
Number of issued shares: 27,409,741 shares
Number of outstanding shares: 27,408,212 shares
Number of treasury shares: 1,529 shares
Number of shares to be issued: 13,704,105
shares, in which:
To increase its charter capital: 9,592,874 shares (exercise
ratio: 35%, a shareholder owning 100 shares will get 35 new shares)
To pay 2013 dividend: 4,111,231 shares (exercise ratio: 15%,
a shareholder owning 100 shares will get 15 new shares)
Total value: VND137,041,050,000
Exercise ratio: 15% to pay dividend and 35% to increase its
charter capital
Financial resource for the stock issue: Financial resource
to increase its charter capital: capital surplus at December 31, 2013 and
Financial resource to pay dividend: undistributed profit at December 31, 2013
Record date: December 19, 2014
Plan to deal with fractional share:
To pay dividend: The number of shares distributed to each
shareholder will be rounded down, and fractional share (if any) will be bought
back at VND10,000/share
To increase its charter capital: The number of shares
distributed to each shareholder will be rounded down, and fractional share (if
any) will be cancelled.