BST: Notice of record date for first dividend payment 2014
> TTP: The record date for the dividend payment of 2013 (15/09/2014)
> SSI: Board Resolution on Cash Dividend Payment (12/09/2014)
> HCM_1007: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (12/09/2014)
> HCMA1005: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (12/09/2014)
> CLG: CLG extends the dividend payment date (12/09/2014)
> TTP: Resolution on the dividend payment for 2013 (12/09/2014)
> ASM: The record date for the 2013 dividend payment, shares issuance and right issue (11/09/2014)
> VNC: Notice of record date for dividend payment (11/09/2014)
> VIC: Result of share issue for dividend payment (11/09/2014)