On June 26, 2014, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.671/TB-SGDHCM on the record date for consulting shareholders of Everpia VietNam Joint Stock Company:
Stock symbol: EVE
Ex-right date: July 03, 2014
date: July 07, 2014
Purpose: to close the shareholders record list to
consult shareholders in writing
for mailing: July 10, 2014
for receiving the feedback (estimated): from July 11, 2014 to July 30, 2014
for summarizing the feedback (estimated): July 31, 2014
Venue: will be noticed when the Company sends invitation letters
to shareholders
Business plan for
2014: revenue: 800 billion dongs and profit after tax: 90 billion dongs
Remuneration for the
Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in 2014: 7.2 million
dongs/person/month. Total funding (including remuneration, bonus, etc) will not
excess 3.6 billion dongs
2013 cash dividend
payment: 11%par value (VND1,100/share)
Earning reserve for
establishment of the Management fund: 5% of profit after tax. The Board of
Directors is authorized to decide to use the Management fund based on activity
needs to ensure highest effectiveness of business results
Supplementation of
business lines