PXS: PVC – MS chooses Deloitte Vietnam as auditing company
Petroleum Equipment Assembly And Metal Structure Joint Stock Company (PVC – MS) chose Deloitte Vietnam Co., Ltd as an auditing company for fiscal year 2014.
> TRC: TRC signs an audit agreement with AASC (27/06/2014)
> VID: VIDON CORP chooses an auditing company (27/06/2014)
> SD5: Chief Accountant Change (27/06/2014)
> HHS: Setting up a subsidiary (27/06/2014)
> QHD: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2014 (27/06/2014)
> SDU: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2014 (27/06/2014)
> BVH: Board Resolution – Jun 23 (27/06/2014)
> TSC: Notice of Change in the Number of Outstanding Voting Shares (27/06/2014)
> BGM: BGM signs Auditing Contract (27/06/2014)
> GAS: GAS signs Auditing Contract (27/06/2014)