HAT: Notice of record date for dividend payment in cash
1. Issuer: Hanoi Beer Trading JSC2. Stock code: HAT3. Stock type: Common stock4. Par value: 10,0005. Record date: 09/06/20146. Ex-date: 05/06/20147. Reasons: * Dividend payment in cash: - Exercise rate: 20%/share
> AGR: The record date for cash dividend payment of 2011 (26/05/2014)
> TIX: The record date for the first dividend advance of 2014 (26/05/2014)
> VTF: The record date for the 2013 dividend payment (26/05/2014)
> HRC: Resolution on the dividend payment for 2013 (26/05/2014)
> APP: Notice of record date for second dividend payment in cash (23/05/2014)
> NET: Notice of record date for bonus share payment (23/05/2014)
> NPS: Notice of record date for Dividend payment (23/05/2014)
> KST: Notice of record date for Dividend payment (23/05/2014)