Bac Giang Exploitable Mineral Joint Stock Company announced a resolution of the Board of Directors date December 12, 2013 as follows:
Article 1:
The Board of Directors approved plan for issuing shares to pay 2011 stock
Estimated issue
volume: 2,304,000 shares
Payment for the stock dividend with exercise
ratio: 100:12. The one who owns 100 shares at the
record date will receive 12 new shares
Plan to deal with fractional shares: The distributed shares will be rounded down. The fractional
shares will be canceled.
example, shareholder A owns 181 shares, he will receive 21 shares (181/100) x 12
= 21.72 shares) and 0.72 share will be canceled.
Capital resource: undistributed
Record date: December
30, 2013
Article 2:
The Board of Directors authorized the Director General to implement necessary
procedure to complete the issue.
Article 3:
This resolution takes effect as from December 12, 2013.