VCC: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013
CTCP Vinaconex 25 announced the company's Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013.
> VCM: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (30/10/2013)
> VDL: Change in Business Registration Certificate (30/10/2013)
> PVS: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (holding company) (30/10/2013)
> ITQ: Invitation for Extraordinary AGM 2013 (30/10/2013)
> CTS: Explanation for difference of profit between quarter III/2013 and quarter III/2012 (30/10/2013)
> TKU: Dissolution of Branch in Hanoi (30/10/2013)
> TSM: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (30/10/2013)
> SD6: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (31/10/2013)
> SD9: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (31/10/2013)
> VIX: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2013 (31/10/2013)