UIC: Explanation for submitting the Q3.2013 financial statements late
Idico Urban and House Development Joint Stock Company explained the financial statements of Quarter 3.2013 submitted late because the leader went on a business trip.
> KAC: Explanation for business result in Q3, 2013 (04/11/2013)
> FDC: Explanation for business result in Q3. 2013(Parent company) (04/11/2013)
> BSI: Appointment of Branch Manager (01/11/2013)
> DPR: Explanation for consolidated business result in Q3.2013 (31/10/2013)
> HSG: Setting up Branches (31/10/2013)
> DTA: Explanation for business result in Q1.2013 (30/10/2013)
> DIG: Explanation for business result in Quarter 1.2013 (Parent company) (30/10/2013)
> HAR: Explanation for profit in Q1/2013 (30/10/2013)
> BBC: Resolution of the second of Annual General Meeting 2013 (30/10/2013)
> HMC: Explanation for business result in Q3.2013 (30/10/2013)