HMC: Explanation for business result in Q3.2013
Ho Chi Minh City Metal Corporation explained the fluctuation in business result between Quarter 32013 and Quarter 3.2012 as follows:
- Profit before tax in Quarter 3.2012: 5,254,550,993 dongs - Profit before tax in Quarter 3.2013: 4,635,145,852 dongs - Decreased: 11.8% compared to quarter 3.2012 because: + Beginning 2013, income tax increased 12.5% to 25%. + Profit before tax in Quarter 3/2013 was VND6,068,361,402, increasing 1% compared to VND6,005,201,135 of Quarter 3/2012.
- Profit before tax in Quarter 3.2012: 5,254,550,993 dongs
- Profit before tax in Quarter 3.2013: 4,635,145,852 dongs
- Decreased: 11.8% compared to quarter 3.2012 because:
+ Beginning 2013, income tax increased 12.5% to 25%.
+ Profit before tax in Quarter 3/2013 was VND6,068,361,402, increasing 1% compared to VND6,005,201,135 of Quarter 3/2012.
> HSG: The record date for the 2014 AGM (30/10/2013)
> TSC: Explanation for business result in Quarter 3/2013 (30/10/2013)
> STB: Explanation for consolidated business result in Quarter 1.2013 (30/10/2013)
> STB: Explanation for business result in Quarter 1.2013 (30/10/2013)
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