NBC: Explanation for production-business performance of quarter 3.2013
On 18/10/2013, Nui Beo Coal Joint Stock Company explained difference of production-business performance of quarter 3/2013 compared to quarter 3/2012 as follows:
1. Figures of FS of quarter 3/2013 was temporarily calculated because the Company did not settle expenses with Vietnam Coal – Mineral Industrial Group.
2. Profit of quarter 3/2013 was estimated to decrease because production-business expenses of quarter 3/2013 increased
> DCS: Change in Company\u2019s address (01/11/2013)
> DL1: Change in listed volume (01/11/2013)
> DAC: Invitation letter for AGMS 2013 (01/11/2013)
> DAD: General Mandate AGMS 2013 (01/11/2013)
> DBC: Notice of AGMS 2013 (01/11/2013)
> DHP: Notice of AGMS 2013 (01/11/2013)
> DHP: Annual Corporate Governance Report 2012 (01/11/2013)
> DHP: Board resolution (01/11/2013)
> VCV: VCV: General Mandate (01/11/2013)
> DID: Annual Corporate Governance Report 2012 (01/11/2013)