DHP: Notice of AGMS 2013
(8/04/2013) Hai
Phong Electrical Mechanical JSC announced the organization of AGMS 2013 as follows:
Time: 8.00, 28/4/2013
Place: 734 Nguyen Van Linh, Niem Nghia ward, Le Chan
district, Hai Phong
Participants: shareholders, record date: 9/4/2013
+ Report on
business result 2012, Plan 2013
+ Report of BoDs
2012 and plan 2013
+ Report of SB and
plan 2013
+ Audited FS2012
+ Scheme of profit
distribution, fund extraction dividend 2012, plan 2013
+ Remuneration for
BoDs, SB 2012 and plan 2013
+ Selection of
auditing company for FS 2013 and semi FS
+ Approval on Chair
of the Board cum General Manager
+ Adjustment of
+ Others