Tasco Joint Stock
Company (HUT)
Name of bond
Tasco Joint Stock
Company Convertible Bond
Type of bond
Convertible bond
Bond code
Bond form
Book entry
Issuing method
Private placements via
a registrar
Eligible buyers
- Individuals or
institutions are in the selection list for eligible buyers based on the following
- Domestic institution,
individual have the financial potential, priority for individual or
institution who already bought convertible of the Company
Handling of unsold
BOD are entitled to
sell unsold bonds to other buyers being Domestic institution, individual as
long as total number buyers of HUT-CB2013 are less than 100.
Total value of the
Maximum is VND
Dongs (VND)
Par value
VND 1,000,000/bond
Number of bonds to be
Maximum is 100,000
Issuing value
100% of par value
Minimum purchase volume
of each investor
300 bonds
Bond interest
Fixed interest for
first year: 15%
Interest for second
year : interest of 12-month term individual deposit of BIDV paid at the end
of the period determined at the first year of the bond term plus 5%.
Issuing period
In QIV.2013
Term of bond
24 months after the
finishing date of the issuance
Finishing date of the
the last day that
investors pay for the bonds according to the regulations at the bond issuing
Maturity date
24 months after the
finishing date of the issuance
Deadline for conversion
Within 10 working
days after the maturity date
Time to register for
the conversion
7 working days before
the maturity date
Time to finish the
registration for the conversion
02 working days before the maturity date
Location of the
registration for the conversion
Head office of Tasco
Time to start the conversion
The first working days
after the maturity date
Time to finish the
Within 10 working days after the maturity date
Conversion rights
Conversion rights
belong to bondholders. Bondholders have right to convert or to not convert
the principal amount of purchase bond
Conversion price
VND 10,000/share
Conversion rate
1:100 (1 bond is
converted into 100 shares of Tasco JSC (stock code: HUT))
Purpose of the issue
- Invest in the
construction project on expanding the National Highway 1 (Km579+549-Km605+000
and Km617+000-Km641+000) in Quang Binh Province in the form of BOT contract
(“BOT project National Highway 1A”), the amount is VND 80,000,000,000
- supplement to the
working capital, the amount is VND
Expected use of
BOT contract (“BOT
project National Highway 1A”): VND 80,000,000,000
- supplement to the
working capital, the amount is VND
Interest and principal
Principal is paid once
on maturity date when bond holders do not convert bonds.
Interest is paid twice
at end of 12-month period after finishing the issue
Resources for Interest
and principal payment
Company’s revenue
Fees from fee collection BOT stations of
Other resources
On conversion date, if
bond holders agree to convert bonds, the Company will not have to pay the
principal but issue a corresponding number of shares for the conversion,
which means bondholders wil l become shareholders of the Coompany. If bond
holders don’t agree to convert bonds, the Company will pay the principal.
Issue shares for the
conversion (if any)
On conversion date, the
Company will issue a corresponding
number of shares for the conversion. These new shares will be deposted at VSD
and listed on HNX.
Issue place
Head office of Tasco
Place of payment
Head office of Tasco
Payment preference
Before the conversion
date, in case of compulsory payment, bonds are paid after the Company’s
liabilities including tax, payables to the State, payables to the workers,
long –term and short-term liabilities, but before dividends and shares of all
Bond transfer
Bond holders are not
allowed to transfer bonds within 01 year since the finishing date of the
issue, except the gift or transfer between professional investors.
Rights of bond holders
Receiving interest and principal or convert
bonds when due
Bondholders are entitled to transfer, give,
inherit bonds as regulated by law
Other rights as stipulated by law
Bond purchase method
1. In case of account
transfer, investors pay 100% of bond value to the account of Tasco :
Account owner: Tasco
Account number:
At: BIDV Branch – south
of Hanoi
Content: Pay for the
purchase of ….bonds of HUT-CB 2013
2. In case of payment
in cash, investors pay 100% of bond value at:
Finance and Accounting
Department of Tasco JSC, Floor 4, M5 building, 91 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Hanoi
Content: Pay for the
purchase of ….bonds of HUT-CB 2013
3. Bond transfer: the
Company will Bond holding Certificate to bondholders within 30 days since the
finishing date of the issue.