Tuesday, 20/08/2013 09:51

PSC: General mandate 2013

Petrolimex Saigon Transportation and Service JSC has disclosed its general mandate on 14/04/2013. The following resolutions were approved:

1.       Operating result in 2012

- Volume of transportation:                                              35,338,130 m3km

- Volume of wholesale:                                                   25,540 m3ton

- Volume of retail, agent sale:                                         6,180 m3ton

- Volume of selling gas:                                                  2,596 tons

- Total revenue:                                                     VND 641,894 million

- Total expenses:                                                   VND 632,326 million

- Profit before tax:                                                  VND 9,568 million

- Cash dividend (1 share: VND 1000):                              10% of charter capital

2.       Approve the orientation and operating plan of 2013 as follows:

- Volume of transportation:                                                    37,000,000 m3km

- Volume of wholesale:                                                   25,000 m3ton

- Volume of retail, agent sale:                                         8,700 m3ton

- Volume of selling gas:                                                  4,200 tons

- Total revenue:                                                     VND 683,670 million

- Total expenses:                                                   VND 673,170 million

- Profit before tax:                                                  VND 10,500 million

- Dividend payment                                                        10% of Charter capital

3.       Approve investment plan of 2013

- Invest 01-02 petroleum stores

- invest 04-05 20 m3 tank trucks

4.       Approve the plan on distribution profit after tax in 2012 as follows:

- Financial reserve fund:                                     VND 364,000,000

- Investment and development fund:                    VND 1,116,774,441

- Cash dividend (10%/Charter capital):                 VND 4,800,000,000

- Bonus fund:                                                     VND 700,000,000          

- Welfare fund:                                                   VND 300,000,000

5.       Approve the deduction of profit after tax in 2013 to bonus the Board of management and administrator of the Company:

- Fulfill the target of profit after tax would be entitled 1% of profit after tax

- Over fulfill the target of profit after tax would be additional entitled 10% of exceeding the plan of profit after tax

6.       Approve the remuneration for BOD and Supervisory Board as follows:

- In 2012, the total remuneration for BOD and Supervisory Board is VND 548,096,256

- In 2013, the remuneration for BOD and Supervisory Board as follows: coefficient of Chair of BOD is 1.0; Deputy Chair of BOD is 0.9; member of BOD and Chief of Supervisory Board are 0.8, members of BOD are 0.5

7.       Modify the Charter of the Company

8.       Assign BOD to select one of three independence auditor (Viet Nam CPA, Fadaco, AASCs) to audit financial statement of 2013


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