AVS: Announcement of changes in business
Au Viet Securities Corporation announced to change items in its business:
- Withdrawal from business operations: Customers trading, securities investment advisory and underwriting.
> VTF: Result of public offering (27/05/2013)
> ECI: General Mandate 2013 (27/05/2013)
> ITA: Board Resolution May 23 (27/05/2013)
> NVB: Change in Deputy General Manager (27/05/2013)
> VNC: Supplementation of purpose of using shareholder list (24/05/2013)
> SRF: Board Resolution (24/05/2013)
> VID: Setting up a subsidiary (24/05/2013)
> HVS: Change in the ownership ratio (24/05/2013)
> JVC: Board Resolution (24/05/2013)
> TIC: Announcement of New Chief Accountant (24/05/2013)