Issuer: DakR'tih hydropower joint stock company (
Head office: Le
Duan Street, Nghia Tan Ward, Gia
Nghia Town,
Dak Nong Province
Chartered capital: VND1,000,000,000,000
Volume for auction: 19,000,000
Stock type: common stock
Par value: VND10,000/share
Beginning price: VND10,100
/ share
Auction organizer: Hochiminh Stock Exchange
Conditions to participate in the auction: the investors
said in the auction regulation of DakR'tih hydropower joint stock
Time for registration and deposit: from December 03, 2012 to 4:00pm December 20, 2012
Time for submitting registration forms: no later than 3:00pm December 26, 2012
Auction date: 9:00am
December 28, 2012
Auction venue: Hochiminh
Stock Exchange – 16 Vo Van Kiet, District
Time for settlement: from December 29, 2012 to January 07,
Time to refund deposit to unsuccessful bidder: from January
02, 2013 to January 07, 2013
Place for registration and deposit: