PXT: Explanation for business results in quarter 3.2012
Petroleum Pipeline & Tank Construction Joint Stock Company has explained business results in quarter 3.2012 compared to quarter 3.2011 as follows:
- Revenue in Quarter 3.2012 was 127.343 billion dongs, decreasing 17% compared to the same period of last year. Revenue decreased because some undeveloped projects in Quarter 3/2012 led to revenue went down. Besides, Factory 5 was newly established and its headquarter has just been moved to HCMC. This made expenses increased. So, in Quarter 3.2012 was loss
> SZL: Explanation for business result in Quarter 3.2012 (01/11/2012)
> VAT: Financial Statement Quarter 3/2012 (01/11/2012)
> SDT: Explanation for audit exception in Semi-annual financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> SDY: Explanation for audit exception in semi-annual financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> SD7: Explanation for audit exception in semi-annual financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> GBVS: Explanation for Financial Statement in Q3.2012 (31/10/2012)
> AGM: Explanation for business result in Quarter 3/2012 (31/10/2012)
> DNC: Explanation for audit exception in semi-annual financial statement (31/10/2012)
> PPG: Explanation for audit exception in semi-annual financial statement 2012 (31/10/2012)
> PVR: Explanation for Audit Exception in Semi-Annual Financial Statement 2012 (31/10/2012)