SIC: Selection of Auditor for Fiscal year 2012
Song Da Investment - Development JSC (stock code: SIC) announced the Auditor for Fiscal year 2012 as follows:
- Auditor for the company for fiscal year 2012: DFK Vietnam Auditing Company Limited (member of DFK International Auditing Corporation).
> EOD Results of HNX 30 Index on 06/09/2012 (06/09/2012)
> TMC: Corporate Governace report (first 06 months) (06/09/2012)
> SEC: Board Resolution Sep 04 (06/09/2012)
> PHT: Board Resolution (06/09/2012)
> SCO: Board Resolution (06/09/2012)
> GDW: Corporate Governance report (first 06 months) (06/09/2012)
> C32: Results of Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (06/09/2012)
> AGD: The record date for the extraordinary meeting of shareholders (06/09/2012)
> BMP: Board Resolution (06/09/2012)
> DLG: DLG warned in the entire stock market (06/09/2012)