VID: Notice of information
Vien Dong Investment Development Trading Corporation has announced information as follows:
- Vien Dong Investment Development Trading Corporation will choose the AASC Auditing and Accounting Finance Consultancy Service Co for fiscal year 2012.
> VSC: Investing in Green DMC Joint Stock Company (28/06/2012)
> SHI: Explanation for peaking at the ceiling price (28/06/2012)
> SAM: The BOD’s resolution (28/06/2012)
> VID: Notice of information (28/06/2012)
> FLC: Result of private placement (27/06/2012)
> TCL: Board Resolution No.395 (27/06/2012)
> HNX Notice: UPCoM Admission of Viet Hai Shipping And Real Properties Corporation (VSP) (27/06/2012)
> MKP: Result of the public offering to purchase MKP stock (27/06/2012)
> TIX: Temporarily stop all operations of Tanima (27/06/2012)