Wednesday, 20/06/2012 08:56

STT: STT designated

On June 19, 2012, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.603/2012 /TB-SGDHCM to put the stock of Saigontourist Transport Corporation (stock code: STT) as a designated stock.

-         Stock STT of Saigontourist Transport Corporation has been designated as of June 22, 2012 under Decision No.81/2012/QD-SGDHCM dated June 19, 2012 by the Hochiminh Stock Exchange.

-         Reason: Saigontourist Transport Corporation frequently violated the periodic disclosure requirements in Clause 1.2.4 of Section II and Clause 1.2 of Section IV of Circular 09/2010/TT-BTC dated 01/15/2010.


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