PVD: Explanation for business result in Q1.2012 (parent company)
Petrovietnam Drilling and Well Services Joint Stock Company (PV Drilling) explained the fluctuation in business result in Quarter 1.2012:
- In Quarter 1.2012, Profit after tax of the parent company PV Drilling was VND325 billion, increasing VND134.9 billion (+71%) compared to VND190.1 billion in Quarter 1.2011, mainly because mainly because the stable operation of its drilling rigs and related services.
> DNP: Time and Place for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (16/06/2012)
> PCT: Explanation for difference in financial statement 2011 before and after auditing (16/06/2012)
> HBD: Explanation for the change of over 10% in operating result in QIV.2012 compared to QIV.2011 (16/06/2012)
> DTC: Explanation for the change of over 10% in operating result in QIV.2012 compared to QIV.2011 (16/06/2012)
> TSS: Link to the 2011 Audited Financial Statements (16/06/2012)
> GGG: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (16/06/2012)
> HBB: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (16/06/2012)
> DLR: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (16/06/2012)
> ECI: Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2012 (16/06/2012)