Thursday, 17/11/2011 17:37

PDR: Explanation for business result in QIII/2011

Phat Dat Real Estate Development Corp. (HOSE: PDR) has explained business result in QIII/2011 as follows:

Unit: VND







Profit after tax



  • Reasons:

In QIII/2011, the company has not recorded revenue from leasing houses and fees of transference,commission of apartments of the EverRich I project

The same period of last year, the company recorded from leasing houses and fees of transference, commission of apartments and offices of the EverRich I project.


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>   HBD: Business operational explanation (16/11/2011)

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>   HPR: Board resolution (16/11/2011)

>   TLT: Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2011 results (17/11/2011)

>   ACL: Explanation for business result in QIII/2011 (15/11/2011)

>   PNC: Explanation for business result in QIII/2011 (15/11/2011)

>   REE: Explanation for business result in QIII/2011 (15/11/2011)

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