Wednesday, 16/11/2011 21:03

SQC: General Mandate via a ballot

On 10/10/2011, Saigon – Quy Nhon Mining (HNX: SQC) corporation disclosed the General Mandate via a ballot as follows:

1. The plan of bonus share issue:

- Stock type: Common Stock, no transfer restriction

- Par value: VND10,000

- Charter capital: VND1,000,000,000,000

- Total proceeds: VND100,000,000,000

- Expected new charter capital: VND1,100,000,000,000

- Resources: Paid- in capital

- Expected exercise date: Quarter IV/2011

- Object: Outstanding shareholders.

- Exercise rate: 10% (Shareholders receive 01 new share for every 10 shares they own). The number of shares shareholder receive is rounded down to units digit in case odd lot share is less than or equal to 0.5; or rounded up to units digit in case odd lot share is more than 0.5

- Shareholders must not transfer bonus share receiving right

2. All new shares will be listed on Hanoi Stock Exchange

3. The BOD is authorized to carry out relative tasks.


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