Thursday, 17/11/2011 18:03

MKP: Explanation for business result in QIII/2011

Mekophar Chemical Pharmaceutical JSC (HOSE: MKP) explained the fluctuation in business result between QIII/2011 and QIII/2010:

Profit after tax in QIII/2011 increased 10.25% compared to QIII/2010 because of the following reasons:

- Sales in QIII/2011 increased 20.89% against QIII/2010, mainly because:

- Sales from finished products rose 10.35%

- Sales from goods rose 15.62%

- Sales from materials and services decreased 5.08 %

Besides, in 2011, the Company saved operating expenses such as major repair expense, so profit in QIII/2011 was higher than in QIII/2010.


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