NKG: Explanation for business result in Q1/2011
Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company (HOSE: NKG) has explained business result in Q1/2011 as follows:
Pre-tax profit in Q2/2009: VND24.6 billion
Profit after tax in quarter 1.2011: VND58,307,518,023, increasing VND14,861,482,132 (34.2%) compared the same last year.
The steel market in quarter 1.2011 conveniences, the company sold goods in stock to the low cost.
> PGD: Explanation for business result in Quarter 1/2011 (28/04/2011)
> TMP: Explanation for business difference in quarter 1/2011 (28/04/2011)
> BTS: Explanation for 5 consecutive floor-plunging sessions (28/04/2011)
> C92: Report on use of proceeds (28/04/2011)
> BHT: Results of AGM of Shareholders 2011 (28/04/2011)
> Subsidiaries of Song Da pay back for property investments (28/04/2011)
> Vietnam's Vinamilk says Q1 net profit jumps 22 pct (28/04/2011)
> Prime Minister approves MHB equitisation plan (27/04/2011)
> HDA: Notice of record date for AGM of Shareholders (27/04/2011)
> CAN: Result of 1st AGM, time and place for 2nd AGM (27/04/2011)