STP: Explanation for the change over 5% in operating result in QIII- 2010
According to the Financial Statement Quarter III/2010, revenue and profit of the company increased 1.5 times compared to Quarter III/2009. Song Da Industry Trade JSC explained as follows:
- Revenue increased VND 20,164,383,684
- Other profit from project at An Phu – Luc Yen – Yen Bai increased.
> PXS: PVC-MS sets up Port Service Enterprise (09/11/2010)
> SD1: Explanation for the change over 5% in operating result in QIII- 2010 (09/11/2010)
> STP: Explanation for the change over 5% in operating result in QIII- 2010 (09/11/2010)
> TMP: Business result in Quarter 3/2010 (08/11/2010)
> VTB: VTB terminates an investment project (05/11/2010)
> CTN: Board Resolution (05/11/2010)
> OCH: Explanation for the change of over 5% in operating result in QIII- 2010 (05/11/2010)
> SDT: Board Resolution (05/11/2010)
> TJC: Explanation for the change in operating result in QIII- 2010 (05/11/2010)
> SFN: Explanation for the change in operating result in QIII- 2010 (05/11/2010)