STG: Explanation for business results in quarter 3/2010
South Logistics Joint Stock Company (HoSE: STG) has explained profit after tax in quarter 3/2010 increased more than that in quarter 3/2009 as follows:
* Profit after tax of quarter 3/2010: 7,786 million dongs
* Profit after tax of quarter 3/2009: 6,699 million dongs
* Increased: 1,087 million dongs (16.23%)
* Other profit after tax of quarter 3/2010: 1,654 million dongs
* Other profit after tax of quarter 3/2009: 461 million dongs
* Increased: 1,193 million dongs (258.78%).
> VNE: Explanation for a late adjustment in audited FS of H1/2010 (19/11/2010)
> VST: Explanation for consolidated business results in quarter 3/2010 (19/11/2010)
> BHC: Correction of some figures in financial statement (18/11/2010)
> DTC: Board Resolution (18/11/2010)
> BBC: Explanation for business result in Q3.2010 (17/11/2010)
> VFMVF4: NAV from 04 Nov 2010 to 11 Nov 2010 (17/11/2010)
> VFMVFA: NAV from 04 Nov 2010 to 11 Nov 2010 (17/11/2010)
> TMS: Resolution of an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting (17/11/2010)
> MAFPF1: NAV from 04 Nov 2010 to 11 Nov 2010 (17/11/2010)
> PRUBF1: NAV from 04 Nov 2010 to 11 Nov 2010 (17/11/2010)