HCMA0307: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment
HCMC STC (HoSE: HCM) announces details of the record date for interest payment of municipal bonds in 2010 as follows:
* Bond name: HCMC municipal bond – Issue No.03/2007
* Bond symbol: HCMA0307
* ISIN code: VN00HCMA03077
* Bond type: Municipal bond
* Par value: VND100,000
* Interest rate: 9.00%/ year
* Ex-interest date: November 09, 2010
* Record date: November 09, 2010
* Payment date: November 29, 2010.
> HCMA0207: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (04/11/2010)
> HCMA0107: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (04/11/2010)
> TMS: Transimex Saigon adjusts the bond’s conversion price (26/10/2010)
> DIG: Information on bond issuance 2010 & financial investment (14/10/2010)
> CTG: Announcement of the second bond private offering in 2010 (12/10/2010)
> CTG: Result of the second bond private offering in 2010 (12/10/2010)
> HCMA1205: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (12/10/2010)
> HCMA1105: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment, principal & delisting municipal bond (12/10/2010)
> HCM_1107: Notice of the record date for bond interest payment (12/10/2010)
> VFC: Vinafco successfully issues convertible bonds (09/10/2010)