CSG: Business results in September 2010
* In quarter 3/2010, the company focused in sales especially exporting copper to Glencore International AG, exporting lines and cables to Laos and Cambodia. Revenue in September is highest in the first months 2010.
* Total revenue in September 2010: 135 billion dongs
* Total accumulation revenue in 09 months 2010: 332 billion dongs (83% of the 2010 plan).
> CII: Information disclosure (05/10/2010)
> VRC: Resolution on Revenue & Profit 2010 (05/10/2010)
> HRC: Estimated business results in Quarter III/2010 (05/10/2010)
> LIG: Establishment of subsidiaries (05/10/2010)
> HEV: Board Resolution (05/10/2010)
> DXP: Operating results of the first 8 months 2010 (04/10/2010)
> MSN: The BOD’s resolution (05/10/2010)
> RDP: Explanation for business results in quarter 2/2010 (05/10/2010)
> SSI: Closing the PVFC Trading Office (01/10/2010)
> CMV: Business result in Aug 2010 (01/10/2010)