CII: Information disclosure
* On 27 September 2010, the BOD approved CII sign an agreement about making conditions for foreign partners to implement procedures to buy possibly maximum 9 million shares of CII listed on HOSE with price equal to or lower than 38,000 dongs / share. (The agreement signed on September 28, 2010).
* Note: Implementing the transaction will depend on results of financial appraisal, remaining owning ratio of foreigner (After CII limited the room for issuing convertible bonds) and status of CII transaction on HOSE.
> VRC: Resolution on Revenue & Profit 2010 (05/10/2010)
> HRC: Estimated business results in Quarter III/2010 (05/10/2010)
> LIG: Establishment of subsidiaries (05/10/2010)
> HEV: Board Resolution (05/10/2010)
> DXP: Operating results of the first 8 months 2010 (04/10/2010)
> MSN: The BOD’s resolution (05/10/2010)
> RDP: Explanation for business results in quarter 2/2010 (05/10/2010)
> SSI: Closing the PVFC Trading Office (01/10/2010)
> CMV: Business result in Aug 2010 (01/10/2010)
> VTO: Revenue & Profit in the first 9 months of 2010 (01/10/2010)