DXP: Operating results of the first 8 months 2010
Doan Xa port JSC has disclosed the Operating results of the first 8 months 2010 as follow:
1. Revenue: VND 123.2 billion (103% of plan in 2010)
2. Profit before tax: VND 50 billion (111% of plan in 2010)
3. Earning per share: VND 8,570.
> MSN: The BOD’s resolution (05/10/2010)
> RDP: Explanation for business results in quarter 2/2010 (05/10/2010)
> SSI: Closing the PVFC Trading Office (01/10/2010)
> CMV: Business result in Aug 2010 (01/10/2010)
> VTO: Revenue & Profit in the first 9 months of 2010 (01/10/2010)
> TAG: Board Resolution (01/10/2010)
> VNM: Dissolving Saigon Coffee Factory’s Branch (*) (30/09/2010)
> VST: Information disclosure (30/09/2010)
> NNC: Resolution of the Board of Directors (30/09/2010)
> TDH: BOD Resolution on profit expectation (30/09/2010)