AAM: Explanation for business result in Quarter III/2010
Mekong Fisheries Joint Stock Company (HoSE: AAM) explained the difference in profit between Quarter III/2010 and Quarter III/2009:
Although the Company’s operations are still stable, profit after tax in Quarter III/2010 decreased by 43.77% compared with Quarter III/2009. The primary reason is that all input expenses in 2001 in general and Quarter III/2010 in particular have increased, especially materials, while selling prices have not increased because of severe competition. Revenue in Quarter III/2010, therefore, decreased by 20.85% over the same period last year. That made profit after tax in Quarter III/2010 was down.
> RAL: Explanation for submitting audited FS of H2/2010 (22/10/2010)
> BMC: Dissolving BinhDinh Vietnam Malaysia Minerals Co. (23/10/2010)
> TV1: The certificate for a share issuance extended (22/10/2010)
> VNS: Business result September - 2010 (20/10/2010)
> VFMVF1: NAV from 30 Sep 2010 to 07 Oct 2010 (14/10/2010)
> PRUBF1: NAV from 30 Sep 2010 to 07 Oct 2010 (14/10/2010)
> MAFPF1: NAV from 30Sep 2010 to 07 Oct 2010 (14/10/2010)
> PNJ: Sets up 2 new branches (22/12/2010)
> HAG: Estimated results of business and investment in Q3/2010 (14/10/2010)
> TV4: Operating results of firs 9 months of 2010 (13/10/2010)