RAL: Explanation for submitting audited FS of H2/2010
Rangdong Light Source and Vacuum Flask Joint Stock Company (HoSE: RAL) has explained submitting audited financial statements of 06 months 2010 late as follows:
* In July and August 2010, the production had much fluctuation because the USD rates consecutively increased and loans from banks were difficulty.
* In 2009, RALACO got preferential subsidies. Therefore, RALACO took more time to explain its capital usage to State Audit of Vietnam. On 09 October 2010, State Audit of Vietnam concluded RALACO used the borrowing capital on proper purpose and effectively.
* RALACO submitted the audited financial statements of 06 months 2010 to the HOSE before October 20, 2010.
> BMC: Dissolving BinhDinh Vietnam Malaysia Minerals Co. (23/10/2010)
> TV1: The certificate for a share issuance extended (22/10/2010)
> VNS: Business result September - 2010 (20/10/2010)
> VFMVF1: NAV from 30 Sep 2010 to 07 Oct 2010 (14/10/2010)
> PRUBF1: NAV from 30 Sep 2010 to 07 Oct 2010 (14/10/2010)
> MAFPF1: NAV from 30Sep 2010 to 07 Oct 2010 (14/10/2010)
> PNJ: Sets up 2 new branches (22/12/2010)
> HAG: Estimated results of business and investment in Q3/2010 (14/10/2010)
> TV4: Operating results of firs 9 months of 2010 (13/10/2010)
> Top mining company to de-list shares (13/10/2010)