HAG: Estimated results of business and investment in Q3/2010
HAGL Joint Stock Company (HoSE: HAG) has announced estimated results of business and investment in quarter 3/2010 disclosed on the Press as follows:
* HAGL estimated profit before tax in quarter 3/2010 at 810 billion dongs and accumulated profit in 09 months at 3,000 billion dongs.
* With real estate business, HAGL will finish and hand over houses of Hoang Anh River View Project at the end of 2010. Projects of Phu Hoang Anh at stage 1 and An Tien are being implemented on schedule. At present, HAGL is building base of projects of Phu Hoang Anh at stage 2 and Hoang Anh Incomex and preparing construction of Thanh Binh Project for the 2011 revenue and profit.
* With investment activities, HAGL planted 24,000 ha of rubber trees and is prepairing for planting 13,500 ha of rubber trees in 2011.
* Hydroelectric projects are on schedule. Dak Srong 2 Hydroelectric Plant with 24MW in testing is the first hydroelectric project of HAGL.
* HAGL is preparing to put iron mines in Laos and Cambodia into exploitation in 2011.
* Total cash and equivalent cash are about 2,650 billion dongs.